Join Us

If you or your Child is interested in joining Blenheim Scout Group there are a couple of things you can do;

Firstly if you want to become part of the team and helping out at section evenings you can email Brendan our GSL for more information.

If you want your Child to become part of the group read below to see what section they would be in (age ranges) then you can either fill in the form below, or again contact Brendan.


Are young people usually aged between six and eight years old.

They belong to the first and youngest Section in the Scouting Family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next section, Cub Scouts, between eight and eight years six months.

They meet on a Monday Night.


Cubs tend to be aged eight and ten and a half.

They do all sorts of fun activities similar to the Scouts, yet more suited to their ages. A typical Cub evening would involved playing some games and working on a badge. They often have a Summer Camp.

They meet on a Thursday Night.


Scouts are the oldest section we have here at Blenheim.

You can be a Scout between the ages of ten and a half to fourteen. Alot of the evenings are based around getting badges, however they do go on camps and take trips out more regularly than other of the sections.

They meet on a Friday Night.